Inspired Now Networks, Inc. is dedicated to making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals residing in low-income and underserved communities throughout Wake County, NC. Our mission extends beyond providing singular programs; we are committed to implementing a holistic approach that fosters lasting change in behaviors and environments, ultimately cultivating a culture of health and empowerment within these communities.

Through our multifaceted education and community outreach initiatives, we strive to bring about meaningful transformations in the daily lives and routines of families. Whether it’s through educational programs, access to resources, or community engagement activities, we aim to address the diverse needs and challenges faced by residents.

As we embark on this journey of impact, we invite you to witness the progress and improvements achieved through our efforts. Our annual surveys capture snapshots of the positive changes experienced by individuals and families participating in Inspired Now Networks, Inc. programs, showcasing the tangible outcomes of our collective endeavors.

Together, we can create a brighter, healthier future for all members of our community, one step at a time. Join us in our mission to inspire positive change and uplift those in need.
